Every lady of the day has to have a purse to complete their outfit right? Make of matching or contrast fabric.
This tutorial was generously donated my IGMA Artisan Gisele Sullivan Very nice of her and Thank-You!!
Make a Fringed Baluchon Purse
A piece of fabric 1 3/4" x 1 3/4"
1 3/4" Long 3/4" Wide Lace 1 3/4" - 3/8" Lace Silk Thread, Beads, Silk Ribbon Small Piece of Batting or Cotton Ball Thickened Tacky Glue, Modge Podge Scissor, Thread, Sewing Needle Step 1 Take your piece of fabric and fringe the bottom 1/2 way ( 3/4" inch). Run a small line of modge podge above the fringes Step 2
Glue your piece of 3/4" lace glue over the upper part of the fabric, leaving 1/8" unglued at the bottom. Let dry Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 11
Another Version....applause please!! |
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Just as a gentle reminder, that tutorial was written to help to stimulate your creativity.
This Tutorial, Pictures, & Instructions are copy-righted & are not to be used as a tutorial of your own.
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